We have a vacancy on the Budget Committee-Call 207-362-4772 for details.
The Town of Smithfield has local boards and committees that residents are encouraged to get involved with by seeking an appointment on one of the following:
Planning Board
The Smithfield Planning Board oversees the ordinances for the following:
- Shore Land Zoning
- Commercial/Industrial Review’s
- Subdivision
- Mobile Home Parks
- Flood Ordinance
- Holding Tank
- Cell Tower
- Solar (Included in Commercial)
The Planning Board reviews applications submitted by landowners for the above types of permits required. Along with the Code Enforcement Officer, the applications are approved or disapproved.
Land Use Appeal’s Board
The Smithfield Land Use Appeal’s Board oversees applications for Administrative and Variance appeal applications that are filed with the town office.
Budget Committee
The Smithfield Budget Committee assists the Board of Selectmen with the fiscal year budget proposals to go to the annual town meeting in March.
For more information on these boards and/or any future information on upcoming committees contact the town office.