Planning Board
Planning Board Members:
- Jo-Anne Bushey, Member
- Michelle Taylor, Member
- Erik Rasmussen, Chair
- Gloria Kelly, Member
- David Kincaid, Member
- Jodie Mosher Towle, Alternate Member
- Steve Swindells, Alternate Member
Planning Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday each month, except when there are no items on the agenda.
Meetings take place at the Municipal Building. Time of meeting is 6:00 pm
You must be on the agenda prior to the meeting for any official business you may have.
For current agenda please contact the office
Recordings for planning board meetings are available on a USB (we provide) at office: $5.00 fee
The Smithfield Planning Board is made up of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen to a five (5) year term. When there is a permanent vacancy, the Board of Selectmen appoints a new member for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The responsibilities and duties of the Planning Board include:
- Review and approval of site plans
- Review and approval of subdivision applications
- Review proposed changes to the Land Use Ordinance and advise the Board of Selectmen
- Participate in updating or amending the Municipal Comprehensive Plan
- Review any matter referred to the Board by the Board of Selectmen or Code Enforcement Officer
See our Downloadable Forms Page for applications.
Contact the Office for copies of the town’s ordinances.
Appeals Board
Appeals Board Members:
- Mel Croft, Chair
- Steve Swindell, Member
- Kay Young, Member
- Vacant, Member
- Joni Gould, Member
- Virgina Anderson, Alternate Member
- Vacant, Alternate Member
The Land Use Board of Appeals reviews, hears, and decides appeals where it is alleged there is a violation or error made by the code enforcement officer in the enforcement of the Land Use Ordinance or with any administrative procedure. The Board also hears appeals for Variances for property that does not meet the limitations set by the Land Use Ordinance.
Budget Committee
Budget Committee Members:
- David Jackson
- Han Rasmussen
- Dale Hartford
- Cindy Wyman
- Terry Spencer
The Budget Committee meets at the request of the Board of Selectmen and. during budget workshops to review the municipal budget and then meets on the second Saturday morning in February, appoints from among its members a Chairman, and makes recommendations on the final budget, which will be presented to the voters of the Town.
The Budget Committee is made up of five voting members appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a five year term.
RSU #54/MSAD #54 Board of Directors
Board of Directors:
- Dan Frey, Smithfield Director
- Michelle Taylor, Smithfield Director
The Members of the RSU #54/MSAD #54 Board of Directors are elected to a three (3) year term at the Municipal Election.
Kennebec Regional Development Authority
Representatives from Smithfield serving on the KRDA Board:
- Richard Moore, 1st Selectmen
The Town of Smithfield is one of the 24 municipalities that share representation in the Kennebec Regional Development Authority (KRDA) and together support the FirstPark project through shared costs and revenues.